Congress on child labor in Ecuador
Between the 10 and 11 days in June, the "I National Congress on the situation of Child Labor" took place in the Auditorium General of the Universidad del Azuay. The organization of the event was structured through academic forums with contributions of policy, plans, programs and projects implemented by the Ecuadorian State.
The congress was divided into three thematic axes: the situation of the rights of children in Ecuador and Latin America with emphasis on child labor, anthropological and sociological analysis of childhood and adolescence, and, finally, development and inclusion economic
Luis Almagor, representative of the Ministry of Labor indicated that, at the national level, the main allied agencies in the problem of child labor in the country are the cantonal councils of the profession of rights:
"The Ministry of Labor can not work alone, it is necessary to articulate these instances because it is from where the actions that have to be implemented are determined at the local level. Child labor must not depend on a political will, it must depend on a social will in which we are all involved, "said Almagor.
In the 2007, the National Committee for the Progressive Eradication of Child Labor managed to involve 77 cantons in this cause and there are 49 ordinances for the prevention of this practice.
Those attending the event agreed that, for the fulfillment of these processes, we must assume the goals established in the Constitution, in the Development Plan, in the international agendas with the respective objectives of sustainable development, and to promote a solidarity economy.
"I believe that child labor should be eradicated, since children have to fulfill another role; What we must work hard on is to support their respective families, generate employment access opportunities that cover their basic needs, in this way, alleviate as much as possible their financial concerns, "said Juanita Bersosa, participant and coordinator of the event .
It is important to emphasize that when there is hunger, dignity goes to the floor. So we must generate job opportunities, social changes, influence public policy and talk about prevention, added Bersosa.
The Ministry of Labor concluded that it is necessary to work with centralized autonomous governments to implement preventive measures against child labor.
"On the other hand, a proposal for which we are advocating is to form a national public policy of adolescent employment, regulated by laws that protect the contracted," concluded Almagor.
To conclude the congress, on Tuesday 11 of June, from the 14h00 work tables were organized in the Faculty of Administration. Subsequently, at the 17h00 the respective closing of the event was held in the General Auditorium of the UDA.