Conference on fake news and the new digital world

Conference on fake news and the new digital world

On June 4, the conference “Fake news, the danger of believing everything we see” took place, given by the Coordinator of the Matías Zibell School of Communication.

Professor Zibell talked about how to recognize fake news and how to prevent its spread and viralization.

But he also indicated that it is necessary to understand the new world that has generated this multiplication of false news through social networks.

"In this new digital world, journalists have lost our exclusive role as intermediaries between reality and audiences. This generates a democratization in the production of content that sometimes leads to a flood of false news."

This news has put fundamental aspects of western democracies in check, such as the crimes committed against the English electoral system during the Brexit campaign.

However, Zibell also highlighted that this democratization, product of new technologies and social networks, can also produce the filming of the murder of the African American citizen George Floyd, which generated a wave of protests against racism in the United States.