Conference on school participation in children's life

Conference on school participation in children's life

The June 20 was held at the University of Azuay the talk "Analysis of student participation in school life" by Santiago Rosano, a professor at the University of Cuenca, which was aimed at students of the career of Basic education.

Rosano began his study on school participation in child life in the year 2012 at the University of Córdoba, in Spain, and conducted his research in two schools in the city of Cuenca, one particular and another fiscal.

Through testimonies and fragments of children and teachers from the two institutions in Cuenca, different opinions were obtained on the exclusion and inclusion of students and on their participation in school.

One of the results of the study revealed that within the schools it is not analyzed in depth if the students are interested in participating in the classes.

Another conclusion is that in these establishments students are forced to think like adults and not to be children freely.

Santiago Rosano shared with the Basic Education students the four parts on which his research was based: purpose, methodology, results and conclusions.