Closure of training in Environmental Law

Closure of training in Environmental Law

On January 12, the closing and delivery of certificates of the third training process in Environmental Law for community leaders of the parish Autonomous Decentralized Governments (GAD) of the Cuenca canton took place.

The event was held at the Central School and was organized by the Faculty of Legal Sciences, the Department of Continuing Education, the Department of Liaison with the Society of the University of Azuay, the Municipal GAD of Cuenca and the Environmental Management Commission.

According to the Coordinator of the Law School, Ana María Bustos, the training sought to "strengthen the competencies of the parish GADs so that they can exercise their autonomy and develop projects according to the reality of their territories."

This year, the topics discussed were: environmental law, sustainable development, environmental management, international cooperation for sustainable development, community tourism, rural tourism and decentralized competences.

As a result of this training process, 23 leaders received the certificate of compliance.

"The intention is to continue with these projects to deal with environmental rights in a transversal manner with all actors in society," concluded Bustos.


UDA Correspondent