Film Forum: "A crime called education"

Film Forum: "A crime called education"

On Thursday 7 of December in the morning, a cinema forum with the screening of the documentary "A crime called education" was held in the Postgraduate Auditorium of the University of Azuay, as part of the week of celebration by the 47 years of the Faculty of Administration Sciences.

The documentary is the product of an investigation carried out by Jürgen Klaric, who makes a critique of the educational systems of different countries around the world; the original adaptation lasts 1 hour 34 minutes, but it was presented in just 50 minutes.

The criticism of the documentary was given by Martha Cobos, Academic Vice-Rector, and Mario Jaramillo, former Rector of the UDA.

"The issues are complex but the criticism is the most prudent to improve," said Martha Cobos, who made an analysis from the philosophical, psychological and neuroscience.

For Mario Jaramillo, the film is excellent but in it only the negative aspects are told, the mistakes that educators make; However, the educational system, whether good or bad, has yielded great results.

"We must be self-critical, that criticism serves to improve" concluded Jaramillo.

At the end of the day, attendees were participants through criticism, questions and reflections.