Legal Sciences analyzes Latin American integration

Legal Sciences analyzes Latin American integration

On November 29, Legal Sciences presented the II edition of its magazine with the theme "Latin American Integration" with the presentation of the Rector and Vice-Rectors of the University and the authorities of the Faculty.

"Presenting this II Journal of Legal Sciences is very significant, even more so in moments where we can see the needs of integration for problems that transcend borders, that transcend countries, which are, without a doubt, regional or planetary problems" , said Francisco Salgado, Rector of the UDA.

The journal of Legal Sciences aims to contribute to the analysis of the situation of the country and the region as an instrument for debate and proposal.

"The magazine constitutes a systematic contribution, generator of knowledge, helping to strengthen innovative thinking, with the ability to analyze social, legal, cultural, political, relations and international trade realities", said José Chalco, Dean of the Faculty of Legal Sciences.

The Dean added that this edition is a product of the study on our country and Latin America, “a working and reading instrument, useful for debate, an alternative to inform, raise concerns, propose new answers or to debate the same thesis and content.

The magazine analyzes various topics such as regionalism, integration and governance in Latin America in the context of COVID-19, where it addresses how the virus surprised the world and caused a global crisis.


UDA Correspondent