Talks about electric vehicles organized by Automotive

Talks about electric vehicles organized by Automotive

On December 14, the School of Automotive Engineering of the Faculty of Science and Technology organized the first talk on electric vehicles given by engineer Efrén Fernández.

Andrés López, Dean of the Faculty, welcomed the event, highlighting the importance of sharing the knowledge that the expert staff has on these new technologies related to the automotive area.

"It is expected that our country can generate its own technology, with the advice of experts from both our city and the country, to later sell it abroad," added the Dean.

Robert Rockwood, Coordinator of the School of Automotive Engineering, emphasized for his part that "the country has a need to be managers of our own technology, likewise, how to be able to chain production processes for the technological breakdown in electric vehicles."

In the course of the talk, Efrén Fernández mentioned several issues related to the presence of electric vehicles in our country, as well as the projects that have been currently managed and where these can be better applied from the Academy.

The exhibitor also said that, according to the existing global demand, there has been a noticeable increase in sales of these vehicles from the first half of 2019 and 2020, where this list is led by China.

In a second talk, specific topics related to the part of networks and multiplexes will be specified, which are within what are this type of technologies, where -according to the engineer- Fernández “the network of an electric vehicle is not the same as a conventional vehicle ”.

If you want to view the first complete talk on "Electric Vehicles", you can access the following link: