Informative talk about two of the new technologies of the UDA

Informative talk about two of the new technologies of the UDA

On July 14 of this year, the informative talk on the Superior Technology in Sales and Superior Technology in Storage and Distribution careers offered by the University of Azuay in dual mode was held. These grant the third level title and German certification to those who register for their study.

To start the talk, José Vera, Coordinator of the Superior Technology in Sales career, explained that the focus of the career is framed within the service and marketing, which occupy a preponderant role within the value chain of each company, therefore, they develop jointly and synchronously.

He also mentioned that among the benefits of this technology is quality technical training to transform sales and turn the salesperson into an advisor who can provide another perspective to bring the company closer to its customers.

The learning areas in which this technology focuses are divided into four. The first is Theoretical Foundations, which incorporates purchasing processes, personnel management, negotiation techniques and sales control. The second is Praxis Professional, which covers securities documentation, marketing, sales promotion, and market research. The third Knowledge Integration, which contains the business process, economic and global context, customer service and attention, ethics and RRSS, and project planning. Finally, Communication and Language, with English, reading, academic writing and order management.

Later, Vera explained the applicability of this technology to be able to exercise it both as a commercial advisor, sales team leader, product manager and line or category manager; allowing to develop in the workplace from an operational position to a strategic and managerial one.

Then, Sebastián Suárez, Coordinator of the Higher Technology in Storage and Distribution career, began his intervention by highlighting that the mesh on which this technology is based refers to the content that is developed within the educational model of Germany, but adapted to the national reality and local.  

Among some companies receiving those enrolled in the program are Graiman, Colineal, Indurama, Signal, Cartopel, Los Andes, Fibroacero, Agrota and Grupo Novocentros.

Also, a scholarship may be requested at the University's International Relations department thanks to the agreement with the Ecuadorian-German Chamber of Industries and Commerce (AHK) to develop this program in Germany.

Finally, Vera explained that within these places the student will develop within the areas of logistics, reception and control of merchandise, technical requirements for storage (SSO), optimization of logistics processes, internal management of merchandise, operational management, collection and merchandise packaging, route planning and distribution.

These careers have a duration between 2 and 2.5 years, flexible schedules, accessible costs and a guarantee of highly specialized training with a theoretical - practical approach, where its development will be 70% within the training company and the remaining 30% in the University.

To enroll in these technology careers you must enter, enter the admissions option, fill in the required information and make a $ 25 registration fee. After this, an institutional email will be sent with requirements and additional information, such as the date and time where the interviews will be carried out by the university staff and the companies belonging to the program.


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