Welcome to Professor Eric Henager and his experience with the Fulbright Scholar Grant

Welcome to Professor Eric Henager and his experience with the Fulbright Scholar Grant

On September 26 in the Multipurpose Room of the University of Azuay, the welcome took place for Prof. Eric Henager, who is staying at our University through the Fulbright Scholar Scholarship; event that is part of the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development objectives. 

The meeting was attended by different authorities, teaching staff and students, who happily welcomed the Professor to hear about his experience and also invite future generations to apply for this scholarship; Likewise, he commented that during his stay he will be teaching classes in the classrooms on our campus, belonging to the Faculty of Legal Sciences. 

Welcome to Prof. Eric Henager


The Professor obtained his doctorate from the University of Illinois, and is currently Associate Professor of Modern Languages ​​and Literatures at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee; Additionally, Henager teaches a variety of literature and cultural studies courses in the advanced curriculum and has directed more than twenty summer courses in Ecuador, Argentina, Mexico, and Spain. 

For the University, it is an honor to have the presence of Henager, who spoke about his experience in Fulbright, a program co-financed with SENESCYT that provides scholarships for master's studies in the United States to people with demonstrated academic, professional excellence and future leadership potential. . 

Without a doubt, its presence is of great benefit to those who are part of the academy and an opportunity to strengthen ties with the global community of educators and researchers committed to sustainable development and academic excellence.

Welcome to Prof. Eric Henager

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