Administration socializes the books published by their teachers

Administration socializes the books published by their teachers

On June 23, the University of Azuay and its Faculty of Administration Sciences held a discussion on the book "Database Design" by Oswaldo Merchán, Dean of the Faculty.

The objective of the event was to publicize one of the several books that have been published in recent years by the Faculty. "Database Design" is the fourth book to be presented.

The first three were "Business Finance" by Bladimir Proaño; "Financial Risks in the manufacturing sector of Ecuador" by Iván Orellana, Luis Tonon, Marco Reyes, Luis Pinos and Estefanía Cevallos, and "Descriptive and Inferential Statistics", also by Proaño.

“These books were already released in due time, what we are doing now is working with the content and, in a more specific way, sharing with teachers and students to motivate academic writing. I believe that the book is the best legacy that a teacher can leave to the students, ”said Oswaldo Merchán.

The book "Database Design" was published in 2018 and systematically deals with the design of relational databases. The work focuses its content on the design of databases from a practical point of view, since it uses methodological principles that help the analysis, design and elaboration of the conceptual and logical scheme.

The content is aimed at students pursuing careers related to information technology, information systems and computer science. Illustrations and real examples are included to help you understand the concepts of designing, creating, and managing a database. Even at the end of each chapter there are exercises that allow the reader to put the concepts developed into practice.

“Throughout the several years that I have been teaching the subject, I have been working with the students to collect the notes. With the support of three students, we were able to do practical exercises to validate the knowledge, ”said Merchán.

The next discussion on a book will be held on July 14 and the work will be "VAT in Ecuador: A cumulative tax" by Boris Barrera.


UDA Correspondent