"10 minutes on stage" to celebrate World Theater Day

"10 minutes on stage" to celebrate World Theater Day

For World Theater Day, professors, students and special guests of the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Art showed their artistic talent in a stage full of music, dance and acting.

The event was held, for the fourth time in a row, on the night of the March 27 in the General Auditorium of the University of Azuay, and was attended by Genoveva Malo, Dean of the Faculty, and Jaime Garrido, Coordinator of the School of Theater Arts.

The group Matizo was commissioned to open the show with his new alternative rock single "Un blues para este vida mundana". 

'' This song was born from a day in which I had to make important decisions for my life. I realized that the teachings that your parents and teachers give you are just a base, but in the end you are the one who forges your own path, "said Damián Albornoz, lead singer of Matizo.

The new musical band Héroe Niño, which was formed just three weeks ago, played a cover of the song "Tu nombre y la mío" by Lisandro Aristimuño. 

On the other hand, Daniel Villamagua and María René Duque sang romantic songs by Luis Miguel, and to finish the musical performances, the student Ana Crespo, dressed in a typical Mexican dress, sang the song "Cucurrucucú paloma".

In the theatrical disciplines, Franklin Zumba - acting student - made a stage show called "In the name of God." East preformance it was a free mix between dance and theater. The ten-minute play was inspired by the book "El tunnel" by Ernesto Sabato.

Josué Arce, a student at the Universidad del Azuay, taught a nostalgic piece called "El viaje". A work that shows an adult who travels to his childhood to try to recover memories of childhood; once he has overcome the painful traumas he suffered as a child, he returns to adulthood.

On the other hand, the dancer Paula Almeida exhibited a work of contemporary dance. His cautious dance steps matched the red light of the theater. While Camila Íñiguez seemed to fly across the stage with a sports fabric, known as hammock, yellow.

The event closed with a flourish thanks to the special participation of Pancho Aguirre. Actor known for going out in films like "How far away" and "In the name of the daughter". With more than 38 years of trajectory, Pancho presented a fragment of his successful monologue "El loco".

The play is about a man who explains how he goes crazy thanks to the contagion of other people who suffer from mental illnesses. As the performance progresses, the influence of poetry in their dialogues can be clearly noticed and then recounted through metaphors the political reality of Ecuador.

"It was born from a script that I have written from the 2004, but the monologue took shape in the 2014. The majority of the text is its own creation; however, I introduced poetry by authors such as César Dávila and Efraín Huerta, '' said the actor.

'' I do not meddle with the faith of others. I get involved with corruption, religiosity and manipulation of people. People have every right to have their beliefs up to a sense of conservation, but the day in which art does not allow me to express what I think I will stop doing theater. ''