Academic Architecture Week: a pause for reflection and collective creation of social housing projects

Academic Architecture Week: a pause for reflection and collective creation of social housing projects

On October 10, the University of Azuay, together with its School of Architecture, inaugurated Academic Week 2023, an event that is framed in the fulfillment of sustainable development objectives. The event was attended by authorities, professors and students from our university community, members of the El Barranco Foundation, members of the Municipal Public Company for Urbanization and Housing, staff from the Inhaus Creative Studio, Cemento Atenas and as a special guest for the opening talk was Leonardo Finotti, renowned architect and photographer from Brazil. 

Academic Week 2023 is an event that promotes academic integration between students and teachers around the topic Social interest housing with a productive vocation in rural parishes of Cuenca.   

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Throughout this week, there will be the participation of various expert speakers in this field, who will share their knowledge and professional experiences, giving students an opportunity to become familiar with the perspectives and experiences of those who already work in this field. .

The culmination of this meeting will take place next Friday, at which time our students will be recognized for their participation. 

Academic Week 2023 represents a unique opportunity for students to work as a team, face challenges and obstacles that, without a doubt, will be very useful in their professional lives.

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