Nancy Ochoa, Doctor of Philosophy, articulates her reflection on human beings and anthropological philosophy

Nancy Ochoa, Doctor of Philosophy, articulates her reflection on human beings and anthropological philosophy

On September 28, the Teatrino of the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Art was the setting for the reflective talk “Why can Anthropology be philosophical? What are we humans?”, taught by Dr. Nancy Ochoa Antich. The event was organized by Gabriela Eljuri, coordinator of the Permanent Chair of Anthropology and Diego Jadán, coordinator of the Chair of Philosophy.

Anthropology Chair


It was an honor to have the presentation of Nancy Ochoa Antich, Doctor in Philosophy and Master in Political Science, since her long career within these fields has allowed her to analyze in depth the representations of reality within communication. Likewise, Ochoa, who was a professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador for 32 years, stands out for directing her academic production towards theoretical reflection with a political dimension. 

This talk was aimed at first-cycle students of the Anthropology degree, which has been part of the UDA's academic offering since September of this year. Once the session was over, attendees had the opportunity to engage in dialogue with Ochoa. 

These acts within the university community demonstrate that the University is taking important steps towards academic excellence, combining knowledge with ethics and social responsibility. 

Anthropology Chair