The University of Azuay successfully completes the G Suite course for its administrative staff

The University of Azuay successfully completes the G Suite course for its administrative staff

On June 8 at the University of Azuay, the closing ceremony and delivery of certificates for the G SUITE course was held, presented by the outstanding magister Katherine Ortiz Vidal in collaboration with the department of human talent and the association of employees of the UDA . The objective of this course was to provide the necessary knowledge to the administrative staff of the University in tools such as Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Drive, and in this way strengthen new digital knowledge for the work environment.

This event was developed under the objectives of quality education, decent work and economic growth. 

Francisco Salgado Arteaga, Rector of the University of Azuay, began his statements by congratulating the departments involved in the organization of the course, with special emphasis on the information technology department, stressing that this training is for the benefit of society, since it helps to improve work performance, in terms of efficiency and quality.

On the other hand, Ximena Mejía was the representative of those present who received the certificate, she expressed the group's gratitude to the University of Azuay and all the authorities that helped implement the training program.    

-Educating is raising the spirit to be able to understand life and educating continuously is enabling the intellectual and spiritual performance of the human being, for this reason we must highlight the title that the University of Azuay gives us, which with effort trains its staff at a time when in which knowledge must be produced with the accelerated advancement of science and technology- commented Mejía. 

Finally, the certificates were delivered to the attendees, thus culminating this successful training of the G SUITE course. This is a very important recognition that reflects the work of the instructors and trained personnel.