“A Pink Flesh” by Cristóbal Zapata

“A Pink Flesh” by Cristóbal Zapata

On May 10 at the University of Azuay, the presentation of the book "Un Rose Carne" was held, written by the renowned author Cristóbal Zapata and published by the UDA Publishing House. Throughout his career, Zapata has received numerous awards for his outstanding literary work, which spans a variety of texts, including poetry and essays. Currently, he is an honorary professor at UDA.

The Rector of the University of Azuay, Francisco Salgado Arteaga, took the floor to welcome the attendees and highlight the importance of literature as a tool for personal growth and critical reflection on society. The event had two exhibitors who accompanied Cristóbal Zapata, who presented his work to the public. There was also the presence of Gloria Riera and Galo Alfredo Torres who were in charge of reading some pages of the book, thus allowing those present to enjoy the poetic prose of the work. 

Zapata, when talking about his book, explained that the inspiration that led him to write it was multiple, since it is a set of texts written in the last three or four years. The topics that he addresses in the book are related to various aspects, such as art, cinema, the dialogue with childhood memory, among others. In turn, he said that there is an element that unites all the texts and it is the reflection on the body, in particular, on the joyous and erotic body. 

However, the process of writing this book was not easy. Cristóbal Zapata had to refine a series of texts for a year, fighting against his shortcomings and working hard to achieve the perfection he was looking for. Additionally, he referred to his personal demands as a writer, which led him to feel that the book was finished only when he was sure that he had done everything possible to improve it.

According to the author's words, the book is divided into three fundamental segments. 

-The first one is titled “A sensual education”, it focuses on recovering some passages from childhood. The second is “The speed of the look”, it deals with works of art such as paintings or films. Lastly, the third segment is entitled "Shipyard" and consists of short and poetic essays. In the latter, themes related to the body and the functioning when love inhabits are touched on, Zapata commented. 

In conclusion, the book presentation was a success thanks to the combination of literary talents and the presence of the public interested in culture. It was very interesting to listen to the explanation of the creative process that spanned several years and deals with various topics. And according to Zapata, reaching the final version had a degree of complexity, but with the result of achieving the excellence that the author demands of himself as a writer.