University of Azuay and University of Cuenca celebrate successful third symposium of the Doctorate in Renewable Natural Resources

University of Azuay and University of Cuenca celebrate successful third symposium of the Doctorate in Renewable Natural Resources

On April 20 at the University of Azuay, the third doctoral symposium of the Renewable Natural Resources program was held. This event was developed within the objectives of quality education, affordable and non-polluting energy and responsible production and consumption. 

The event was attended by distinguished authorities from the University of Azuay and the University of Cuenca, including their rectors Francisco Salgado Arteaga and María Augusta Hermida. 

The two universities offer the doctoral program in renewable natural resources with the aim of training professional and academic leaders in the management, research and management of resources so that they are capable of generating new knowledge and analyzing the local and regional situation.

Andrés Alvarado, director of the doctoral program, gave some details of the moment that the program he leads is experiencing. 

-We are in the second year of five of the doctoral program, for now we are proud of our numbers that might seem a bit cold, but they are not. We have recruited ten students for the program, there are two more in the preparatory course. Additionally, there are three approved plans, these days we will have more. And we have thirteen active professors in courses directing theses, it is a very strong achievement. This is a space where scientific knowledge of the highest level is combined- commented Alvarado. But these data were not the only ones that were exposed, the presence of financing by national and foreign institutions was also underlined. Similarly, the director of the program indicated that they would seek to establish alliances with other doctoral schools to receive support in the creation of a doctoral school. 

During the symposium, relevant topics were discussed on the importance of doctorates and scientific dissemination, as well as the need to promote research and innovation in the academic field. In addition, some ambitious objectives were set, such as the incorporation of academic talents to our universities to collaborate with the investigations. 

Likewise, the authorities agreed that it is essential to continue encouraging the training of highly trained professionals to face the challenges of today's world and contribute to the development of society through the advancement of knowledge. And scientific dissemination was highlighted so that the results of the investigations can be accessible to society and contribute to the common well-being.