Qualitative methodology in eating behaviors

Qualitative methodology in eating behaviors

The analyzes of food environments or a nutritional transition are topics of conversation on a daily basis in our country, but what is the situation like in other countries?

On April 3, the University of Azuay received the visit of Dr. Michelle Holdsworth, research director at the Development Institute in France, her research habits have to do with policies in maintenance environments, food and sustainable systems.

To carry out the study, Kenya and Ghana were visited, they used a participatory qualitative research with a technique called "photovoice", which helps to know the factors that intervene in people's daily lives.

It is important to study the environment and the aspects that act on our social behavior. A nutritional transition with a change from a traditional diet based on local foods to a diet of processed products were some examples presented, these cases have their detailed explanation in several points.

In the examples that were presented throughout the talk with Dr. Holdsworth, the increase in the urban population and the increase in processed foods were analyzed, while on the other side we found families living in the rural sector and food that predominate on your table are fruits and vegetables.

The most relevant edges found in behaviors are: socioeconomic, biological, social environments and physical environments. The place where they reside or study is essential when we refer to the availability to feed ourselves. In turn, there is an added value known as the "macro level", which is present everywhere, this simply refers to marketing in the sale of food.

The experiences of Africa

To carry out the research in the African continent, psychologists, nutritionists and public health specialists were involved.

A sample of 144 people including the male and female gender was obtained. An important aspect was the use of "photovoice" with all groups, in this way it was possible to give voice to vulnerable groups through photography.

Participants in this project had the job of capturing photos of people eating, a community food spot, healthy food, and the difficulties of eating healthy.

To the previously mentioned work, we must add the in-depth interviews carried out around photography: this helps us understand the dominant presence of children in families when deciding what to eat that day.

Additionally, the physical environment and the availability of neighborhoods to buy food continue to influence the purchasing behavior of citizens, since hygiene is something that is not present in some communities, for this reason many people prefer not to buy and avoid illnesses from spoiled food, because resources are limited to treat yourself in case of illness.

Finally, for this there is a phrase that was exposed: "You have no money, it is difficult to eat well." It is a blunt phrase bathed in reality and very serious when we add the argument that women have to breastfeed their children.