
The great revolution C.19: who has a plan?

The great revolution C.19: who has a plan?

Suddenly, the Chinese butterfly began to flap and, as Henry Kissinger had predicted, a hurricane struck. However, this time the effects were global: without borders, religion, race, sex or power. The covid-19 has surprised in such a way that it has caught everyone out of place. And now, in the midst of desolation, he asks himself a great dilemma: Can we go back to the past? How do you live in the future? No one thought that a virus would paralyze life. Health and economy, the eternal chicken and egg dilemma. The health and prevention sectors have been witnesses and involuntary protagonists. Without a doubt, the coronavirus has caused the great revolution C.19.

Date and Time:




11:00 to 11:45. Crisis Management on the Covid 19
11:45 to 12:00. Frequently asked
12:00 to 12:45. Business continuity
12:45 to 13:00. Frequently asked


Organized by

Teachers of the Master in Occupational Health
Postgraduate Department
