Training for the administrative staff of the UDA

Training for the administrative staff of the UDA

On Monday, January 27, the process of upper basic education and intensive baccalaureate for the administrative staff of the University of Azuay was inaugurated, with teachers from the La Asunción Educational Unit and the UDA.

“Our educational model affirms that the University of Azuay intends to become a meeting place in which all its members commit to accompany and promote learning; it is thus constituted in a learning community, where we all learn and therefore we are always called to improve, ”said Martha Cobos, Academic Vice Chancellor.

Cobos added that the pensum involves "reason and heart", with technical and human subjects like all the careers of our university.

The process will have hours to apprehend knowledge and skills, and will also work on the ability to communicate with others through orality, complemented by design and art; We will have exits and spaces for emotional development and learning about building a culture of peace.

"Our obligation has been to generate the opportunity and put the best of us for your training, today is the baccalaureate, tomorrow may be the technical training, it depends on you," said the Vice Chancellor at the opening of the event.

Finally, Cobos emphasized that the program benefits the families of workers and added that he hopes that the children of administrative employees who initiate this process will also be motivated to study.

"Surely in the process we will learn a lot from you," concluded the Vice Chancellor before the 20 people enrolled.