Launch of the work on the trees of the Paute River

Launch of the work on the trees of the Paute River

On Wednesday, January 15, the book “Trees of the forests of the eastern foothills of the Paute river basin” was launched by the authors Danilo Minga, Nubia Guzmán and Mayra Jiménez, by the Vice-Rectorate for Research and the Publishing House in the Hall of Honor of the University of Azuay.

During the event there was the presence of Francisco Salgado, Rector of the institution; Martha Cobos, Academic Vice Chancellor; Jacinto Guillén, Vice Chancellor for Research; Danilo Minga and Mayra Jiménez, authors of the book; Raffaella Ansaloni, professor at the University of Azuay and commentator of the work; representatives of Hidropaute and CELEC (Corporación Eléctrica del Ecuador), members of the University Council, teachers, students and the general public.

“Through the authors' thinking, you can enter into dialogue with the minds of readers from different parts of the world. That wonderful dialogue is encouraged by a long process of effort and research. In this case it is a question of conserving the rich biodiversity of our country, especially the Paute river basin, ”said Francisco Salgado.

This work was developed under the research project on the wealth and floristic composition of the Girón - Paute Valley in its phases 1 and 2. This was made possible thanks to funding from the University of Azuay, through the UDA Funds program, and CELEC EP .

Professor Raffaella Ansaloni commented briefly that the process of creating the book began in 2016. In addition, she stated that the beginning of the research included floristic studies such as altitudinal comparisons of the floristic composition based on the altitudinal gradient and vegetation monitoring.

"I would like to emphasize that more than sharing scientific and academic knowledge, it is sharing love and passion for nature, for plants and, specifically, for trees," said Danilo Minga, author of the book, and added:

"Some of these trees are known for their wood or for their fruits, but for others that are not known, we want to share their characteristics to the general public in order to protect them."


UDA Correspondent