Ecuadorian poems and legends translated into English

Ecuadorian poems and legends translated into English

The School of International Studies of the Faculty of Legal Sciences presented on January 15 the work “A piece of culture. Translated Ecuadorian Traditional Legends and Poems".

The copy was published by the students of the fifth cycle of the career and the reason for the printing of the book was to dismiss the subject Translation Techniques, taught by the teacher María Lourdes Moscoso.

The students prepared a set of Ecuadorian legends and poems that have significantly marked the culture of our country and translated them into English.

“The book has fifty legends and thirteen poems written by national authors. All his fiction, his reality and his popular verses have been taken to read in an international language for the spiritual joy of the reader ”, José Chalco Quezada, Dean of Legal Sciences.

Among these stories are: The Headless Cure, The Legend of Cantuña, The Widow's Lantern, The Child of the Black Hand, The Legend of Chuzalongo, among others.

"This academic effort not only shows the skills acquired by the student body, but also contributes to the reiteration of values ​​and social experiences of our people," said Dean Jose Chalco Quezada.

During the event, authorities and administrators explained that the objective of this project was to put into practice the techniques for translating documents that were taught in the field.

Translation Techniques It has been removed from the syllabus after having been in the Mayan International Studies curriculum for a great period of time.

“The new curricular Maya dispenses with this subject to concentrate its contents in other specific and relevant disciplines offered by this career. Consequently, this is the last promotion of students who were taught this subject, which is why the importance and meaning of this work, ”said Chalco.

To continue, Alexandra Mendoza, student representative, indicated that “translating Ecuadorian stories into an international language will allow all these legends to be known not only in our country, but there is the possibility that they will be read by people of other nationalities around the world".

Lourdes Moscoso, teacher of the subject, expressed the importance of communication to publicize our ideas effectively and especially in the context in which the situation is.

“It is really necessary to identify the meaning of the words that we can find embodied in a paper because not only do they mark ideas or thoughts, many times there is between those lines the history of a culture, the economic situation of a country or some problem worldwide ”, Concluded Moscoso.

UDA Correspondent