Presentation of the book "Literary Essays for the XNUMXst Century"

Presentation of the book "Literary Essays for the XNUMXst Century"

The launch of the book "Literary Essays for the 17st Century" by author Carlos Pérez Agustí took place last Tuesday, December XNUMX, in the Hall of Honor of the University of Azuay.

The writer was accompanied by the different members of the Casa Tomada collective, of which Pérez Agustí is president and founding member.

The event began with warm words of welcome and congratulations from the Rector of the University, Francisco Salgado. In the second instance, the vice president of the Casa Tomada collective, Eliecer Cárdenas, who congratulated the author and stressed that Carlos Pérez was not only a professor par excellence, but that it is essential for the group.

He also said: "I ask you to please write your memoirs as these would be like rain in a barren terrain."

Francisco Olmedo Llorente, forger of the University of Azuay and a close friend of the author of the work, then made a reflection on the work and concluded: "Each speech arises at a certain moment and only at that time."

Carlos Pérez Agustí thanked the generosity of the University of Azuay and said:

"We read and write to understand the world a little more."

Afterwards, the Casa Tomada collective appointed members of honor to Francisco Salgado and Francisco Olmedo Lloret. To close the event, Susana Álvarez, a member of the House of Culture of Loja, gave a recognition to the author of the book.


UDA Correspondent