Academic visit for the institutional accreditation evaluation process

Academic visit for the institutional accreditation evaluation process

Between December 2 and December 6, the University of Azuay was visited by the delegation of the Council for Quality Assurance of Higher Education (CACES) composed of Marco Santamaría and Fredy Sarango, as national peers, and Efrén Chávez as an international peer of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

The evaluators met with the Rector, the two Vice Chancellors, Deans, Subdecanos, School Coordinators, Postgraduate Director, Departmental Directors, Linkage and Research Coordinators.

“During these five days, it was possible to delve into aspects related to the hiring, entitlement and training of the teaching staff, as well as the policies, processes and results of the execution of research projects and links with the society that maintains the Institution ”, indicated Ana María Burbano, Director of Self-Assessment and Quality Assurance of the UDA.  

The delegation also received students from each of the faculties, professors of academic and degree tutoring, professors in research and linking projects, students representing the University Council, graduates, representatives of professors and administrative staff, and external actors benefiting from the research and services activity developed by the University.

“Among the main aspects related to the teaching and teaching process that were analyzed in the interviews, there are the processes of student accompaniment, academic tutorials, the insertion of students in research projects, linking and pre-professional practices, as well as the broad policies and projects specific that the University maintains for the accompaniment and integral well-being of its students, ”Burbano added.

The process of evaluation and accreditation of universities and polytechnic schools began in the country in June with the approval of the final version of the 2019 Evaluation Model by CACES, a model that, in accordance with the provisions of the Higher Education Law - LOES- was defined in a process around 10 months.

In this way, the institutional information report of the University of Azuay began several months ago culminating the 13 of October of this year, for which detailed reports of the academic management of our Institution regarding the planning, execution and results were prepared of the functions of teaching, research, linking and services to society, students and support factors for academic management such as the Library, campus, inclusion policies, equal opportunities, planning process and university welfare.

As a next phase of the process, technical committees of peer evaluators composed of national and international professors for each Institution were formed from CACES, to analyze the documentary information submitted and proceed to its integration and contrast against the quality standards defined in the Model, as well as for the definition of aspects of relevance and / or deepening needs on which the collection of qualitative information would be carried out through interviews to be executed through an academic visit to the Institution by the peer committee.

During these five days, it was possible to delve into aspects related to the hiring, securitization and training of the teachers' plant, as well as about the policies, processes and results of the execution of the research projects and links with the society that maintains the Institution.

Ana María Burbano explained that “the University of Azuay assumed this visit under the gaze of an opportunity to share the efforts that they develop and live in their faculties, careers and programs, thanks to the commitment and sense of belonging that each one of its authorities, professors, administrative staff and workers, maintain with the Institution under the eagerness to contribute to the integral formation of its students in accordance with its fundamental principles and its Educational Model ”.

According to the schedule established for the process, CACES will send a first report of the evaluation at the end of January 2020, prior to the final publication of the results of the evaluation defined by the Higher Education Law for February 2020.