Planting of 1.000 native plants in the Pamar River Valley

Planting of 1.000 native plants in the Pamar River Valley

The students of the Master of Socio-Environmental Studies of the University of Azuay, the technical team of the Laboratory of Native Plants and the community of the Pamar River Valley of the Sigsig canton made a sowing of 1.000 native plants on November 23, with the support of the technicians of the Environmental Management Directorate of the Provincial Government of Azuay and the Prefect of the Province, Yaku Pérez.

In areas of slope of the Valley 15 sites were reforested by the implementation of stabilization terraces with the help of planks and stakes, there were species of white penco (Andean Furcraea) and black penco (American agave).

While the rest of the species like gañal (Oreocallis grandiflora), roots (Viburnum triphyllum), cane (Erythrina edullis), capulí (Prunus serotine) and guaba (Inga insignis) They were planted in places with less slope.

In order to ensure the yield of these species, a rain crop and sarna mesh of 50% shade were placed, to avoid desiccation and death due to lack of water and intense solar radiation in early stages.

Chicken coop was also installed to prevent plants from being predated by herbivorous animals such as goats, deer and rabbits that inhabit the Valley.

All plants were labeled for permanent control of growth and survival.

The intervention was carried out within the framework of the forest recovery pilot project, based on the planting of native plants in areas of water recharge and areas of steep slope.

The Pamar River Valley community actively participated in the planning, implementation and subsequent monitoring phases, generating an economic incentive for the inhabitants of the community.

The sown plants were produced in the Native Plant Nursery located on the grounds of the University of Azuay.