Round table on Ecuadorian economy 2019

Round table on Ecuadorian economy 2019

The November 19 held a round table on issues and economic events in the country in the Multiple Use Room, attended by students from the last cycle of the Economics degree.

In the event, economists from the city of Cuenca were recognized as Andrés Mideros, former Secretary of Planning; Juan Carlos Urgirles, on behalf of credit unions and Wilma Salgado, former Finance Minister.

The main issues discussed at the table were related to the monetary and tax reforms proposed by the government after the national strike that paralyzed the country in October.

"The talk began with an analysis of the reality of the Ecuadorian economy today and revolved around certain questions related to the changes and reforms proposed by the Executive," said Paúl Vanegas, Coordinator of the School of Economics.

The forum ended with a call for a continuation of this round table that will take place the first week of December.

The invited authorities will be experts in topics as diverse as popular and solidarity economy, tax issues, among others.