Course of budget construction for GAD's

Course of budget construction for GAD's

The September 27 began the course called Budget Construction in Decentralized Autonomous Governments (GADs) at the University of Azuay.

This course is carried out within the framework of the program for the update of the GADs organized by the Department of Continuing Education of the UDA together with the IERSE (Institute of Studies of Sectional Regime of Ecuador).

This new training day corresponds to the third phase of the program, which closes the cycle of the courses that were previously offered on local legislation and innovation in public management.

The main objective of the course is to update the training of public officials who carry out their work in the different GADs of the province, with special emphasis on budgets.

On this occasion, the class taught by the exhibitor René Larenas had participants from Sigsig, Paute, Nabón, among others.

Andrés Oleas, participant of the course, explained: “It is very important to be careful and responsible with public funds, since they belong to all citizens. Therefore, it is vital to be updated to know how to prepare and execute them effectively. ”

During the week during the course, modules related to topics such as public finance systems, guidelines for modern public budgeting, debt and public investment and technical budget standards will be taught.

In addition, special emphasis will be placed on issues of citizen participation, open budget, results-based budgets - focused on how the money has yielded according to government goals - and sensitive budgets that focus on vulnerable sectors such as children and older adults.

The modality is 40 hours of which 26 will be face-to-face, 10 hours in virtual classroom within the University platform and 4 of autonomous work, prior to the certification of the students.

Cecilia Alvarado, a research professor at IERSE at the UDA, said that the course aims to provide technical tools for budget planning, but above all concepts to expand the perspective of public officials when planning budgets.