Business and entrepreneurship event

Business and entrepreneurship event

The June 25 took place in the University of Azuay the first Entrepreneurship and Business Roundtable organized by the Faculty of Administration Sciences, in order to gather and evaluate the best undertakings of the students of the different faculties of the college.

The juries of the event were Roberto Maldonado, Executive President of Colineal; Juan Malo, President of the Mutualista Azuay and President Founder of Cuerotex; Verónica Bermeo, Subdecana of the Faculty of Administration of the Catholic University of Cuenca; Fausto Orellana, Owner Manager of Mobius Consultora, and Augusto Cabrera, President of Novatravel and Professor at the Catholic University of Cuenca.

In his welcome to those present, Roberto Maldonado gave a brief overview of what entrepreneurship is and the stages that must be respected when starting a project.

The event was developed with the presentations of the various ventures among which were "BathFun", a team so that parents can bathe with their children in an easy way, and "Export Macanas", an alternative to promote marketing and innovation textile with the raw material from macanas.

Also presented was "U-NET Company", a credit card to make purchases and payments in the bars and copiers of the university, and "Bujil", a chili producer directed to commercial stores that sell gourmet, native and organic food.

After the official presentation of each endeavor, the judges asked the corresponding questions and evaluations to deliberate and choose among all the proposals, three winners who would take cash prizes.

During the waiting time until the judges deliberate, the organizers of the event raffled prizes from their sponsors to those present and proceeded to make the delivery of the same to those who were winners.

Finally, the judges presented their evaluations making Bujil the first place, followed by BathFun, in the second place, and third, the U-NET Company, each one of them present on stage for the reception of the cash prize consisting of 100. , 50, and 30 dollars respectively.

"These events allow us to create new solutions to problems we have experienced in order to innovate and develop new concepts; my idea came from a need, and little by little I saw that more people had it, so I decided to do something about it and create a solution ", Paul Martínez, eighth cycle student of Business Administration and creator of" U " -NET Company. "

The event culminated with a few words of thanks to the attendees and congratulations to the winning enterprises, followed by the delivery of a snack to the people who were in the program.