Presentation of the book by Juan Morales

Presentation of the book by Juan Morales

The June 20 was held in the Hall of Multiple Use the presentation of the book "Opinions and concepts" of the author Juan Morales, edited by Abya-Yala, publisher of the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana.

The book is a selection and compilation of columns of opinion of the author, written in the period between 2009 and 2016. The topics that address the articles are diverse and have been grouped into the work in chapters such as: society, education, politics and law.

The articles that make up Morales' work are 179. Each article presents the particular criterion of the author, who, in the exercise of freedom of expression, issues opinions, values ​​and analyzes on the diversity of topics of his circumstance.

"Many universities fell into the error of leaving the book aside, to dedicate the famous articles indexed, the University of Azuay has never fallen into it," said Francisco Salgado, Rector of the University of Azuay, to welcome the event.

"Juan reaffirms his belonging to the Ecuadorian morlaquía, from which rescues his culture, his constructs of thoughts, his way of being. The argument inferences maintain an order of universal fundamental rationality, thus Juan Morales affirms his academic phase "commented, through a video, Víctor Manuel Pacheco, doctor by the Central University and endocrinologist by the Autonomous University of Madrid.

The author of the book has a postgraduate degree in Cultural Administration with UNESCO and a master's degree in Theory of Law from the University of Geneva in Switzerland. In addition, he has been a professor since 1982 to date. He has also lectured on law, ethics and society in Ecuador, Europe and Latin America. He was editor of El Tiempo newspaper for more than 10 years and has published 3 books as an author. He is currently a professor at the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Universidad del Azuay.

In his speech, Morales referred in his speech to the effect "Pygmalion": "Ovid, Roman poet, tells the story of Pygmalion, a sculptor who carved a female statue with such perfection that was deeply in love with her and that the strength of love for his work he propitiated that the sculpture became a living being ".

"Like Pygmalion with his statue, the basins appreciate our creations, we consider them valuable and beautiful and so from the internal force we contribute powerfully to the positive expectations about ourselves to materialize and be a reality," Morales concluded.