Conference on agenda setting and investigative journalism

Conference on agenda setting and investigative journalism

The 29 of April in the Philosophy auditorium took place the talk about "Agenda Setting and investigative journalism nowadays ", directed by Wayne Wanta, professor at the University of Florida, oriented to teachers and students of Communication, within the framework of the 30 years of that School.

The talk was organized by the research group "Comunicación Aplicada" of the Universidad del Azuay, coordinated by Professor Caroline Ávila.

Wayne Wanta has a recognized prestige and trajectory in the field of Communication, particularly in research on political communication and the effects of the media in the establishment of the news agenda and its impact on public opinion. 

"Media and power" was one of the topics of interest of the professor that was addressed in the talk. In addition, others were raised such as the establishment of the media agenda, the value of news and its attributes from the affective and cognitive dimensions, the influence of the media on the perception of information, and fake news (news false).

"Unfortunately people remember what is tweeted today, but forget what happened a few days ago. Therefore, media should now focus on what is important and not only report the tweets. They have to change the importance they give to certain news, "said Wanta. 

Caroline Ávila said she felt privileged to have teachers of the reputation of Wayne Wanta: "Initially we had a meeting with the research professors to share our research work in our publications and collect some of their recommendations and ideas to insert our work internationally. and reach discussions that are taking place internationally and that generate new ideas. "

"It is necessary to revisit the theory of agenda setting in the communication and the effects of the means that Professor Wanta has presented us. It is also pleasant to have the presence of 6to and 8vo students of the Communication career cycle and professors from other universities in the city of Cuenca, because this shows us that the event has been very well taken advantage of ", concluded the professor.