UDA was part of the Eighth Reading Marathon

UDA was part of the Eighth Reading Marathon

The 23 of April from 8h00 to 13h00, in the new library of the UDA, the 8va was developed. 2019 Reading Marathon: "Read to Roberto Bolaño" Basin, organized by the Alfonso Carrasco Vintimilla Encounter on Ecuadorian and Latin American Literature, the University of Cuenca, the University of Azuay, the Salesian Polytechnic University and the Pumapungo Museum.

This event has 8 years of presence in the city of Cuenca and is produced after an alliance with the country's universities, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture; For three years now, our University has welcomed this initiative so that national and international authors can be known (on this occasion the Chilean Roberto Bolaño was selected).

At the beginning of this year's event, Oswaldo Merchán, Dean of the Faculty of Administration Sciences, gave a welcome speech, who quoted the author chosen for this edition:

"Reading is like thinking, how to pray, how to talk with a friend, how to present your ideas, how to listen to others' ideas, how to listen to music (yes, yes), how to contemplate a landscape, how to go for a walk in the Beach".

Then, Francisco Salgado, Rector of the University, read one of the fragments of the work of Bolaño and added: "The reading allows us to decide between who wants to read to decide their own life and who wants to help them decide the life of themselves".

The 23 of April of 1616 died the writers Miguel de Cervantes, William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, for this reason, on this date is celebrated World Book and Copyright Day, chosen by the General Conference of UNESCO to pay a worldwide tribute to the book and its authors, and encourage everyone to discover the pleasure of reading.

Jackelín Verdugo, Coordinator at Basin level of the 8va. 2019 Reading Marathon "Cuenca Lee to Roberto Bolaño," said he was satisfied with the event and concluded:

"This act has made this same event happen all over the world. We are united through reading in Berlin, Madrid, Paris, in different parts of the world and Cuenca joins this international circuit for the international day of the book in order to promote and encourage reading among young university students ".