Workshops with the Academic Boards

Workshops with the Academic Boards

On Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 in February two days were held with the Academic Boards of the 28 Schools of the University of Azuay to analyze the strengths of each career, opportunities and threats, and the comparative advantages of the academic offer of each of the pénsum.

"The heart of the University is in the Academic Meetings, which are not only administrative and bureaucratic instances; the main thing in his work is creativity so that learning is encouraged, "said the Rector, Francisco Salgado, at the beginning of the meeting.

Then Martha Cobos, Academic Vice-Chancellor, said that these spaces serve to share experiences: "Sometimes School coordinators do not know what is done in other faculties, what is done in other departments, and the goal is to get to know each other" .

Jacinto Guillén, Vice-Rector for Research, spoke after encouraging the development of research "with special emphasis on quality".

The morning was closed by Narcisa Ullauri, Juan Lazo, Magalí Arteaga and Toa Tripaldi, who explained details of the functioning of the departments they are in charge of: Linking with the Society, Open University, Languages ​​and Communication.

In the afternoon, the members of each Board worked on the strengths, opportunities and threats of each career, coordinated by the Schools of Production Engineering.

On Tuesday, the meeting moved to Campus La Trabana and began with a talk by Professor Ximena Vélez about inclusion in the University, which was followed by dynamics in which teachers had to put themselves in the place of people with special abilities.

Then each Board continued with the analysis of each of their careers, this time under the tutelage of the Department of Communication.