Certificates for those attending the virtual learning environments course

Certificates for those attending the virtual learning environments course

On Monday 21 of January the ceremony of delivery of certificates of approval of the course "Virtual Environments of learning in Education" took place, which took place from 10 from November to 8 from December of 2018, with a duration of 60 hours (24 hours face-to-face, 12 hours of tutoring and 24 hours of autonomous work).

The course was developed through the Departments of Continuing Education and the Open University, based on a cooperation agreement signed between the University of Azuay and the Federation of Catholic Education Institutions of Azuay (FEDEC).

The participants were 90 teachers from the following educational institutions: Sacred Hearts, Catalinas, Asunción and Sister Teresa Valsé.

The professors in charge of the course were Juan Carlos Lazo, Carlos Guevara, Rodrigo Cabrera and Cristian Cornejo.

As final work, each participant designed his virtual classroom applying the tools explained in the course, and supported it through a video.

"Information and communication technologies, when properly used, become an ally of education processes in their different modalities; they are potent elements of the students' learning, they allow us to overcome the paradigm of time and space of face-to-face education ", concluded Miriam Briones, Director of Continuing Education.