UDA celebrates the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

UDA celebrates the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

The 3 of December, the School of Basic and Special Education in conjunction with the School of Initial Education organized a walk with the purpose of visualizing its permanent commitment to disability and sensitize the university community about it.

In 1992, the United Nations declared this date as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, with the aim of promoting the rights of these individuals and creating a social obligation in the construction of an inclusive society.

Bernarda Quintanilla, Coordinator of the School of Special Basic Education and of the School of Initial Education, said that addressing this condition in an integral manner has always been one of the main ideals of the University of Azuay, therefore, the institution has sought to form professionals who can develop assertively in the field.

Quintanilla said that this walk was a symbolic act because "the real inclusive work is done by students in their pre-professional practices and teachers by training different educational institutions so that disabled people are treated first and foremost with dignity."

"As a school we are not alone in the search to defend the rights of people with disabilities, although we still have a lot of work to do as a society," the teacher concluded.


UDA Correspondent