First International Seminar on Thought about the University

First International Seminar on Thought about the University

The 21 and 22 days of November were held in the General Auditorium of the University of Azuay the first International Thought Seminar on the University, in order to create a space to think and reflect on the reality and future of the University as an institution human

The event, aimed at students, professors and the university community, had as its framework the celebration by the 50 years of creation of the University of Azuay, the 100 years of the University Reform of Córdoba and its "Limit Manifesto".

"We want to make a reflection from the University on university work, what is happening with science, with thought, with the work that the University should have with society," said Manuela Cordero, coordinator of the Permanent Symposium of Thought about the University.

The seminar consisted of a total of nine conferences, in which topics such as: "The University, from Quadrivium to STEM"; "Impact of universities on society"; "Where do we go to the University?"; "The University today: for a new illustration"; "The Liminar de Córdoba manifesto in the context of the Permanent Symposium of Thought about the University", and "Higher and geopolitical knowledge education".

The Rector of the UDA, Francisco Salgado, referred in his speech to the university autonomy and the place of the Permanent Symposium.

"What must summon us are the big questions that concern Humanity and Science at this moment, and not the rules that have been put, by the way, to channel the path of the universities to the taste of the controllers".

Other exhibitors were Enrique Ayala Mora, former director of the Simón Bolívar Andean University; Carlos Rojas, honorary professor of the UDA; the Academic Vice-Rector, Martha Cobos; the ex-director of the UDA Mario Jaramillo, and the Rector of the National Polytechnic School, Cecilia Paredes.

Also participating were Rafael Crespo, ex-Vice-Chancellor of Postgraduate Studies at the University of Valencia, Spain; Roberto Follari, professor at the University of Cuyo, Argentina; and Iván Carbajal, professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador.

Between exhibition and exhibition, there was time for two round tables and questions from the public.

Those attending the Seminar received Hernán Malo's book "Pensamiento Universitario", an agenda and the magazine of the UDA on the "Permanent Symposium on the University".


UDA Correspondent