Course on construction in landslide zones

Course on construction in landslide zones

The University of Azuay was the headquarters of the course called "Integrated techniques for the evaluation of landslide hazards for territorial planning (urban planning)".

This event was held as part of the international agreement of the UDA with the University Federico II, of the Italian city of Naples.

The professors in charge of teaching the course were the PhD Massimo Ramondini and Diego di Martire, civil engineer and geologist, respectively. Both professors were sent by the Neapolitan university because they have scientific research on issues related to real estate construction in areas prone to landslides.

The course, which was coordinated by the Sectional Studies Institute of Ecuador (IERSE), lasted from Monday 22 to Friday 26 in October.

The classes were given in the afternoons, from five to nine, and the auditorium of the Department of Postgraduate Studies was used for its realization.

In order to obtain the approval certificate, at least 16 of the 20 class hours must be attended and all the requested requirements must be met.