Science and Technology celebrates project of connection with the University of the Elderly

Science and Technology celebrates project of connection with the University of the Elderly

A new linking project starts at the University of Azuay, it is about the training towards students of the University of the Elderly, by students and teachers of the Food Engineering degree at the University of Azuay.

The inauguration of the project was carried out on October 12, in the auditorium of the Faculty of Science and Technology, and was attended by executives from both universities, as well as the presence of the members of the new project: the elderly .

"It's never too late to learn, since adults are the ones who have always been respected for their wisdom," said Andrés López, Dean of Science and Technology, and said that Universidad del Azuay will enjoy this new academic experience that brings together different generations .

The project was explained by its director, Diana Chalco, who emphasized three fundamental aspects of the training: first, the area of ​​nutrition, since each student will be able to know what foods are suitable for their health; second, food processing, and finally food hygiene.

Next, Saúl Chalco, Academic Director of the University of the Elderly, expressed his gratitude to the UDA:

"The project allows the training of students, seniors, to have an aging that speaks of real inclusion, through continuing education."

After the intervention of the directors, ten men and women, took the stage with guitars in their hands to perform six songs of remembrance. "This goes of our old people of the city, with a lot of affection, to integrate us to the University of Azuay", they expressed.

"In the elderly, there is the experience of a people," concluded Saúl Chalco, Academic Director of the University of the Elderly.