The University of Azuay receives medals from the Prefecture of Azuay

The University of Azuay receives medals from the Prefecture of Azuay

This 6 of July the Prefecture of Azuay awarded the Presea "Provincial Government of Azuay" to the University of Azuay in the Solemn Session for the commemoration of the hundred and ninety-fourth anniversary of the creation of the province of Azuay.

The event was held in the House of the Province and was chaired by the Prefect, Paúl Carrasco; the Viceprefecta, María Cecilia Alvarado; the Minister of Industries and Productivity, Eva García Fabre; the Governor of Azuay, Xavier Enderica; the former Vice President of the Republic of Ecuador, Alejandro Serrano Aguilar; and the President of the Provincial Court of Justice of Azuay, Pablo Valverde.

Also present were the mayors and councilors of the 15 cantons of Azuay and other people who contribute to the development of the province with their work.

The prize "Provincial Government of Azuay" is granted to the natural or legal person, public or private that provides relevant services to the province in important collaboration to the Provincial Government of Azuay.

Francisco Salgado, Rector of the UDA, received the award from the Governor of Azuay and said: "Today we received the award to commemorate our 50 years of foundation, our university is named after the Azuay as a rescue to their sense and talents that inspire , it bears the name of its province. It does not contain a limiting concept, but rather involves the union of knowledge such as visions, ideals, structures and thoughts ".

In his speech of gratitude, the Rector recalled outstanding UDA teachers such as Monsignor Alberto Luna, Dr. Edgar Rodas and former Vice President Alejandro Serrano, who have contributed to train citizens who perform with capacity and commitment in different areas of human activity.

Another awarded during the solemn session was the teacher of the UDA Marco Lazo, who received the "José Peralta" award for carrying out actions that contribute to promote and generate scientific research with a humanistic vision, especially for his research in "Functional Foods", which represents an important contribution in the context of food sovereignty.

"I receive this award with great humility and basically on behalf of the working group of the School of Food Engineering of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Azuay, said the research professor.

In addition, Lazo highlighted the work of the School to move forward the area of ​​food research in the province, so that the University is a benchmark nationwide.