New Academic Memories of the Ecuadorian Academy of the Language

New Academic Memories of the Ecuadorian Academy of the Language

The 6 of July presented the Academic Reports corresponding to the 2017 year of the Ecuadorian Academy of the Language (AEL) in the Aula Magna of the University of Cuenca.

With the desire to inform the public of the activities that take place and tell the story of the oldest cultural institution in the country, the Academy decided to write this book annually. Since the edition N ° 74, the University of Azuay sponsors this publication. Currently, they are in the edition N ° 77.

"Here what we always say in the University of Azuay becomes reality: to form in the superior means to form at the height of what happens in this time, to be at the height of the world; therefore, now, we give our contribution so that the memory of the Academy is conserved ", affirmed Francisco Salgado, Rector of the UDA.

This edition contains a critical to the literary solvent and timely about Ecuadorian and foreign authors of the Hispanic-American scope, interpretative essays, analysis of the educational system and homage to the memory of literary authors.

"These memories are verification and path. They are manifestation and trace of a thirst with the word that is our daily task. This is the verification, the testimony and the word of the activities of the Academy in a fruitful connection with the culture of the country, "concluded Oswaldo Encalada, member of the AEL.

The ceremony also included the incorporation of a new member to the Academy, María Augusta Vintimilla.


UDA Correspondent