My UDA did a preparation workshop for the exam period

My UDA did a preparation workshop for the exam period

Who has not been afraid, nervous or stressed before giving an exam?

Aware of how difficult this time can be, the Student Welfare Department (Mi UDA) organized the UDA ACTIVA workshop for emotional self-knowledge and relaxation: "I prepare for the exams".

It is "a space to prepare for exams, this preparation we want to be for relaxation," said Gabriela Machado, a psychologist at Mi UDA.

The first activity was the web technique. In this exercise, each of the participants had to say his name, his purposes, the matter that is most difficult for him, tie a piece of yarn on his finger and throw the ball to another person.

At the end, inside the circle a web of thread was formed and to untie it each person had to give words of encouragement to whom the ball of thread was thrown.

The next part of the workshop consisted of an introduction on emotional self-regulation, which is a person's ability to manage their emotions. To achieve self-regulation, it is necessary to know how to identify our reactions in times of stress, and to be able to anticipate our emotions in such a way that we can manage them in a better way.

Maricela Moscoso, a psychologist at Mi UDA, believes that "when we make a fearful anticipation, a response of self-protection is generated. This can cause blockages, discomfort, insecurity. " These types of reactions are common when giving exams.

Some relaxation techniques are: having breaks after a time of study, practicing relaxation and breathing techniques, exercising.

The second part of the workshop was a yoga class. Attendees practiced some poses and stretches focused on relaxation. The breathing was fundamental in all the exercises performed.

To end the workshop, each person took a candle and said to herself out loud something that makes her feel proud. In this way, the students attending the workshop left with good energy and a positive mind to start the exam week.