New methodology is proposed to unify tourist actors

New methodology is proposed to unify tourist actors

The June 21 in the Multiple Use Room was held the Conference on Tourism Planning and Decentralization Systems by Andrés Bastidas, Undersecretary of National Management and Development.

Bastidas is an engineer and architect, specializing in hotel design and design of tourist cities.

The talk dealt with the strengthening process that is being carried out with the Ministry of Tourism for a new tourism planning, which consists of decentralization and institutional strengthening and the positioning of the unitary methodology within the State.

This space was created under the need to be able to transmit from the Ministry the participation to all the universities, to the municipalities and to other involved in tourism so that all the actors that compose it give their points of view and can work together, looking for that way the tourist monopoly is undone and small, medium and large players can participate.

For Bastidas, the Ecuadorian tourism industry has room for improvement, there are destinations that are well positioned, but there are other good ones that do not have the same prominence, so it is necessary to carry out a technification of the tourist structure; Currently there are not enough actors involved, or mistakes are made like what some municipalities do, which focus on promoting certain tourist aspects, such as local festivals, leaving aside potential lucrative spaces.

The UDA is the first university to receive this paper, later, it will be presented in all the tourism schools of the country; This methodology will enter the new curriculum to make future professionals, tourism dealers, to see it as an industry where you can get a lot of economic potential.

For Franklin Bucheli, Procurator of the University, the proposal that the Ministry of Tourism has is necessary and well built, which fosters mainly local tourism, since tourism has been directed to elitist aspects with practically unattainable investments.

"Exactly under this problem is why we want to work with the people, communities, cities, regions and the country, because we have great natural and cultural diversity, not for nothing are we one of the main destinations in Latin America," concluded Bucheli.

"This talk enriches us, since we are the first university to receive it, but above all to reorder all that is tourism at the national level, since this had not been done because it was an activity that arose spontaneously, but from the proposal of the new methodology, is beginning to be ordered, "said Narcisa Ullauri, a professor at the School of Tourism.

In September there will be a socialization on this methodology for teachers to be included later in the new curriculum, as it is also the new tourism master's proposal that opens in September. For those who want to know more about the subject, the full video of the conference can be found on the Tourism UDA page.