Presentation of educational technology tools

Presentation of educational technology tools

The June 19 in the Multiple Use Room of the University was the presentation of the education carried out by professors and students of the careers of Initial Education and Clinical Psychology of the University of Azuay and the career of Systems Engineering of the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana.

This software consists of four technological tools, ISLAND, PIKE-LEARN, EFA, MANOLUDI-CICLE, which were built for the development of children in vulnerable situations. For the creation of these tools, it was assisted by the UNESCO Chair-Support Technologies for inclusion.

"The different tools were created in order to work with children in vulnerable situations, children who have communication disorders, children who have difficulties in relating to others, then, children are expected to be able to develop their activities by playing, without feeling that they are being subjected to an intervention process, which may generate frustration in them, "said Vladimir Robles, a professor at the Salesian Polytechnic University.

Each tool works different parameters of study with respect to the profile of the child or girl who wants to be treated.

The different groups of students and professors presented the software giving a brief explanation of its operation through simulations of games that each tool contained.

ISLAND: It is a tool created as a game for children from 4 to 5 years old, with the purpose of developing language in the phonological, semantic, morphosyntactic and pragmatic fields.

During the game, the profile of the child will be developed, by which it will be possible to detect which are the shortcomings of the child and what should be reinforced. The game consists of several worlds in which there are different exercises to be performed.

PIKE-LEARN: Here children from 2 to 3 years can develop the lexical-semantic level.

During the game the child is guided at all times by the image of a blue-footed booby. This software is part of a linking project carried out by the students of the Initial Education career of the Faculty of Philosophy of the UDA in the children's centers of the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion.

EFA: This tool is a test that allows the evaluation of the auditory functions of the child, in order to observe and treat the infant's problems. At the end of the game it generates a report of the patient's situation.

This project was presented at the IEEE Explore 2018 Congress in the city of Tucumán, Argentina.

MANOLUDI-CICLE: This software supports the development of social skills, studies the patient's behavior in different areas with which to establish a profile of aggressiveness and one of inhibition.

The project was established in a more serious game with respect to the other programs in which the patient is given full freedom of behavior.

Both ISLAND and PIKE-LEARN will leave shortly while the other two are in the process of being finalized.