Recital of the Tuna of the University of Azuay

Recital of the Tuna of the University of Azuay

On June 14, the Central Auditorium of the University of Azuay dressed up for the recital of the Tuna of our University, made up of 15 students, teachers and administrators, with the musical direction of Engineer Bolívar Sarmiento.

The first presentation of the Tuna of the UDA had a repertoire of 10 songs, among them: Morena, Elsa and Clavelitos.

La Tuna Universitaria is a musical group that combines instruments and traditional attire in the interpretation of Spanish, Portuguese, Latin American and world folklore themes.

The most commonly used instruments are bandurrias, lutes, guitars, tambourines and castanets.

The Tuna of the UDA was born the 8 of October of the 2017 on the initiative of the Dean of the Faculty of Legal Sciences, José Chalco, and with the support of the Rector Francisco Salgado.

The clothing of the Tuna is composed of doublet, shirt, hose, breeches, shoes or boots and the scholarship, which is what identifies each Tuna and varies according to the institution to which it belongs.

Another important garment in the clothing of the Tuna is the cloak, long and loose, sleeveless, open in front, which is worn over the dress.

To be able to enter the Tuna of the University of Azuay, an invitation is necessary and to comply with the previous casting.