The UDA delivers certificates to participants of workshops for the defense of water

The UDA delivers certificates to participants of workshops for the defense of water

The University of Azuay delivered the certificates to 38 leaders of rural communities that participated in the "Sembradores del agua" course. The event, which was coordinated by the UDA's Liaison Department, was held in the University's multipurpose room on Monday 23 from April to 11 in the morning.

The people who received certificates had previously participated in 5 theoretical-practical workshops on the importance of water and the need to defend water sources.

These workshops were held in places such as Tarqui, the commune of Kimsacoha and the municipality of Río Blanco; and visited the provinces of Azuay and Cañar. The University of Azuay collaborated, through the Liaison Department, with the logistical support that allowed to transfer the participants of the workshop to the different visits that were made.

One of the main objectives of this training project was to demonstrate to community leaders that the management and protection of water is of vital importance, and that defending it has become one of the main collective activities.

Francisco Salgado, Rector of the University of Azuay, was present at the event's board of directors; Martha Cobos, Academic Vice-Rector; Jacinto Guillén, Vice-Rector of Investigations; Narcisa Ullauri, Director of the Department of Linking of the University, and Yaku Pérez, indigenous leader of the Ecuarunari and organizer of the project.

For Ullauri, this event "has been very interesting. First, because it has brought us, from the point of contact, to different rural communities; We have built bridges of friendship. In addition, teaching what water is and the importance of water defense so that these leaders have the full knowledge and spread it with their people is very rewarding. "