Days of Bioethics 2018

Days of Bioethics 2018

The University of Azuay - with the collaboration of the University of Cuenca, the Salesian Polytechnic University, the Catholic University of Cuenca and the Unesco Chair Ethics and Society in Higher Education of the Private Technical University of Loja (UTPL) - will hold the International Congress University of Bioethics.

The objective of the event is to raise awareness of the importance of bioethics in the environmental situation at a global and local level, and is aimed at teachers, students, researchers and citizens in general.

"The destiny of all depends on how we act, on ethics, on doing good, this was from the beginning the raison d'être of the university, to reflect on science, knowledge, methodology, or technique that is applied at the service of life, at the service of doing good, "said Francisco Salgado, Rector of the University of Azuay.

Symposiums will be held in each of the universities prior to the congress. The April 26 will be held the symposium with the theme "Bioethics and Environment" at the University of Cuenca. In May, "Bioethics and Society" at the UPS, in June the Catholic University will debate the theme "Bioethics and Health" and in July the UDA will address the topic of "Bioethics and Law".

The congress will be held from 3 to 5 in October of this year at the Universidad del Azuay, as part of the celebration of its 50 years.