CEIAP participates in the II Festival of Performing Arts Initial Level

CEIAP participates in the II Festival of Performing Arts Initial Level

The 4 of April to the 9h00 in the Theater of the House of Culture, the Center of Integral Stimulation and Psychopedagogical Support (CEIAP) of the University of Azuay presented the play "The Rolando Bull" -interpreted by 2 children of 4 years of age- in the II Festival of Performing Arts Initial Level.

This festival started on Tuesday 3 in April and extended until Saturday's 7 in April; It was organized by the Espacio Taller collective, which provides cultural and artistic management focused on promoting and promoting artistic skills in children.

Mayta Palacios, representative of Espacio Taller, said: "The invitation we made to CEIAP is very special, because I was fortunate to be a practitioner there, and that is why I asked them to be in this festival knowing the excellent quality of their work".

"These children are the ideal age to be able to work on dramatic art, because they present themselves without stage fright, they become happy acting, because for them this is just a game," Palacios added, and said that they will soon have a project for adolescents of folk dance.

"The story is about a bull that felt confused, without understanding what the teachers wanted to say. It is the reality of a child who lives with dyslexia, "said Juana Zamora, CEIAP professor and author of the story" El toro Rolando ".

"Six years ago when I was studying for a master's degree, I was reviewing issues related to dyslexia and I was pregnant. And one morning at 4 in the morning I could not sleep, I got up because I got an idea of ​​how we could teach children of 3 and 4 years of dyslexia. When I read the story I think maybe that was not my inspiration, but my son's because I was pregnant. My dream would be that the story that was published in a book, "added the author.

"Dyslexia is one of the most common problems in school. Through the representation of the animals in the work, it is easier to reach the children, because that is how the message arrives in a better way, "commented Ana Lucía Pacurucu, director of the CEIAP.

Zamora then concluded that he chose to represent the bull because it is big: "Sometimes it happens that there are small children who think they are stronger and try to dominate the big boy, mocking them, making them feel like a little grain of corn".