Conference on transpersonal psychology in the School of Clinical Psychology

Conference on transpersonal psychology in the School of Clinical Psychology

The 28 of March was held in the Multiple Use Room of the UDA Clinical Psychology Conference by the Chilean psychologist Javier Charme, Master in East-West Psychology and director of the Grof Transpersonal Training for Latin America.

"Now that you are listening to me, you are not really sitting on your buttocks but sitting on your conscience. And that consciousness is not something physical but it is the basis of all things, "Charme said at the beginning of her presentation to catch the attention of her audience.

The event was attended by 45 eighth cycle students from the School of Clinical Psychology who were able to comment and ask questions at the end of the talk.

Based on the ideas of Stanislav Grof, transpersonal psychology is - in the words of Charme - an awakening of the mystery of being alive and a loving connection with others, with oneself and with nature.

The Chilean psychologist specializes in holotropic breathing, a psychotherapeutic technique which he qualified as one of the most effective and powerful. Holotropic breathing works in different states of consciousness, generating an expanded state of consciousness.

"It is like an internal journey that the person makes and from those trips of himself different things come out, some things are released, they are released, allowing access to non-ordinary states of consciousness," concluded the speaker.

On Saturday, March 31, 2018, the practical holotropic breathing workshop will be held in Yunguilla. For those interested who want more information to participate in this event, they can do so by contacting Alexandra Molina's phone number: 0999277966.