Teachers and researchers discuss the challenges of the University

Teachers and researchers discuss the challenges of the University

The February 1 was held in the Multiple Use Room of the University of Azuay, the "Challenges of the University for Today" panel discussion within the framework of the "Permanent Symposium on the University".

At the academic meeting, teachers, researchers and the general public spoke about the current situation of the UDA and also about the challenges that await in the future.

It was attended by six exhibitors, each representing their faculty; Raffaella Ansaloni (Science and Technology), Jaime Garrido (Design), Antonio Martínez (Legal Sciences), Fray Martínez (Medicine), Ximena Moscoso (Administration) and Diana Lee Rodas (Philosophy).

Each speaker expressed his perception of the University and suggested ideas for the future of his Faculty in particular and of the University in general.

Diego Jaramillo, Director of the Permanent University Symposium, commented:

"This is a space, as the name says, permanent to reflect, discuss the fundamentals and raison d'être of the university, it is not our interest to stay on very domestic issues of the university community but to raise the discussion to more theoretical issues and from that, to reflect on our daily and academic work ".

This was the first event of the Symposium that took place this year and the event was enriching because of the diversity of opinions of all those present on the topics convened.

"The Permanent Symposium of the University is a very important space for us, it is the place where we give ourselves the luxury of thinking about the entity and thus change and move forward. In the conversation, the issue of rebuilding was worked on a lot, and it is true, we must break myths and fears in order to do so, "concluded Martha Cobos, Academic Vice-Rector of the University.