Week of conferences in Science and Technology

Week of conferences in Science and Technology

The Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Azuay this week hosted three lectures on topics as diverse as mathematics, automotive pollution and environmental care as public policy. 

The first lecture was given by Rafael Crespo, Vice-Chancellor of Postgraduate Studies at the University of Valencia, and was titled "From Quadrivium to STEM, always Mathematics".

It was notorious in this event the interaction of the speaker with the teachers of the Faculty who took advantage of the presence of Dr. Crespo to deepen their knowledge on various topics of interest that they will later share with their students.

The second conference was called "Anti-pollution technologies and regulations in the automotive industry" and was delivered by engineers Daniel Cordero, Andrés López, Mateo Coello and Gustavo Álvarez, who are part of the Center for Research and Development in Automotive Engineering (ERGON).

The four teachers of the School of Mechanical Engineering focused their conferences on the main problems of pollution in the automotive industry, its relationship with current regulations and the possible solutions that new technologies can offer.

Finally, Yolanda Kakabadse, former President of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and former Minister of the Environment of Ecuador, gave her master class on “Environment: a challenge for public policy”.

In his speech, Kakabadse sought to raise awareness among those present about the problems that the planet is experiencing with respect to environmental pollution.

At the end of the conferences, Andrés López, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, thanked the speakers and attendees and highlighted the importance of these spaces for the university community.