Launch of the book "The built heritage of Cuenca", second edition

Launch of the book "The built heritage of Cuenca", second edition

The afternoon of 16 in January at the Universidad del Azuay was the presentation of the book "The Built Patrimony of the 2 Basin" by the engineer Paúl Ochoa.

The author was accompanied by Francisco Salgado, rector of the UDA; Martha Cobos, Academic Vice Chancellor; Jacinto Guillén, Vice-rector for Research; and Omar Delgado, director of the Institute of Studies of Sectional Regime of Ecuador (IERSE).

In the new edition 25 additional buildings from the historic center of Cuenca have been added to those that had been studied in the first installment; In addition, corrected photographs of some houses were incorporated, all accompanied by a brief review corresponding to the architecture and the geometrical aspects.

One of the techniques used was the architectural photogrammetry, which is used for the cartographic generation, put at the service of the promotion of the patrimonial assets of the city.

For the author, the work seeks to strengthen knowledge and practical experiences in the use of the photogrammetric technique, the enrichment of the detailed documentation of the built heritage of Cuenca and the contribution of the University to the development and conservation of the city's heritage.