The Theater Company of the UDA presented "Scenic Trails"

The Theater Company of the UDA presented "Scenic Trails"

Last January 11 the School of Theater Arts of the Universidad del Azuay made the photographic exhibition "Scenic Traces".

In the images exhibited, the whole trajectory of the School during these last times at a national level is summarized.

The exhibition was accompanied by a staging called "Relatos Inconexo en cuatro cuartos", in which several theater students participated.

"The staging is born from the Chair 3 Directorate of the School of Theater in which it is intended that students learn body action as such, the action as a reaction to a motivation," said Jaime Garrido, Coordinator of the School of Theatrical art.

The Theater Company has made several tours around the Ecuador in cities such as Quito, Portoviejo and Canoa, with the presentation of various works such as "Dream of a Carnival Night" and others.